While you're connecting with us on Baby Bunting's Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter pages, we need you to abide by some rules:
- Be polite even if you disagree. Contributing to the discussion is great, but offensive remarks and bad language will not be tolerated.
- All wall posts need to come from a real person. Fake or anonymous posts will be deleted.
- Multiple or repetitive posts by a single user or posts that threaten or defame a person or organisation have no place here.
- Repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users have no place here.
- Multiple or repetitive posts on the same general topic (even if the post content differs), by the same user, will be viewed as spam and deleted.
- All wall posts for advertising will be removed.
- Wall posts with team members names will be removed. Please contact us directly if you need to discuss the actions of a specific individual
- We expect you to abide by the rules of Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube & Twitter.